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~ Moonlight bunny ~
22 novembre 2010

November just sucks. And yeah, that's in english this time.

No really. There's nothing interesting to November. October's holidays are already pretty far, and there's still long before Christmas. And it's cold. And dark early. I like winter... But the beginning of winter always has been a bit hard for me. Like, I have to get used to it. >_>
My english already annoys me, but I'll keep going 'cuz it's good for me, and if some of my en
glish-speakers friends are reading... Hello to you ? :3
My life changed when I started college, and it was pretty nice. I really needed this. But right now, it's still changing, everything is changing, and I don't like this anymore. It's too much, at the same time. And I'm constantly wondering stuff, stressing out about the future, about the exams coming up in january (and we still don't know what exactly the exams will be =_=), about some persons too.... because I have to say, my love life went to nothingness to a bit of a mess in just a week or two. And holy shit that's scary, and confusing. CONFUSING. Totally @_@... That's one of the reasons I made this blog, I need to ramble about my life and get all whiny so then I'll feel better. XD

So I need to cheer up... I started wearing pretty clothes again. Yep, that works. Lolita fashion inspired mostly... People love it at school, which is pretty awesome compared to before..
I can see more and more each day that my classmates are just awesome, and crazy, and sensible, awesome people. I love them. And by the way most of us are complete Harry Potter fans. Or just complete geeks. Or Tim Burton fans. People have good tastes here.
That helps to stay happy.
I'm still a pretty positive kid, I try to stay that way. I just get a bit more tired these days, and sometimes I wanna stay in bed...

On a happier note, here's a pic what I wore recently C: : (click on it to see it bigger)


Also, I sew myself a new scarf (mum helped XD)


Bunny ! 8D

God knew that we all need someone to share each happy day.
I think I have to say "I'm so sorry".<br /> But I thought you were okay and happy with all these changes in your life (your sentimental life apart).<br /> Be strong and don't you stress too much. You know, despite our complicated relationship, that you always can count on me. Don't never forget that.<br /> I love you so much I couldn't live without you.<br /> <br /> BTW, I love your scarf. It's so cute <3<br /> <br /> XXX<br /> Amai<br /> <br /> BT
"I killed Sirius Black~!"<br /> <br /> Bon, un brin de sérieux ici. Je vais éviter de m'humilier en tentant de poster un commentaire en anglais. (Je tenterais le coup une prochaine fois.) Bref, je remarque un nouveau blog. Nous nous connaissons à peine et tu en es déjà à ton second T_T". <br /> Sinon, j'espère que je suis dans les gens awesome. Parce que je le suis. Et je le sais. *bang* Just joking. <br /> Ton écharpe est adorable, j'ai hâte de te voir la mettre pour venir à la fac. (Histoire de te la piquer, certes.)
*En mode je ne commente que les photos*<br /> <br /> Elle est sympa ta nouvelle écharpe! C'est fou comment tu t'améliores à chaque fois!
~ Moonlight bunny ~